Wednesday, November 3, 2010

TRUE- HSBC Girls Retreat 2010

The last few weeks have been consumed with much preparation and prayer for our Hunter Street Girl's Retreat for 2010.

I have yet to really sit back and look at all of the ways that the Lord worked- the prayers He answered, the girls that He spoke to, the joy that He provided, the perfect weather, and a reminder of His goodness and grace.

I decided to share with you a summary in pictures of our wonderful weekend. Enjoy :)

We spent our weekend at Shocco Springs in Talledega, Alabama. We started off our time at retreat with worship in the Chapel.
Hillary Dickey led us in worship and was such a delight to our girls...and to Becky and I!

During free time the girls had the option to sleep, do crafts, get snacks, or play Bazooka Ball. Bazooka Ball was by far the most popular choice. It was a sort of paint ball like game but played with nerf guns...perfect for girls :)

What is a girls retreat without craft time? We had 3 different crafts that our girls worked on. They made cute luggage tags, prayer bracelets for missions, and they made scarves for those we will minister to in Linn Park.

Ahh- Cupcake Wars. Some girls thought this meant we would throw cupcakes at one another. Looking back they may have been more fun..but we had a blast decorating cupcakes as teams!

Some of the girls got really creative!!! Others just got...

MESSY! But we all had a blast!

Next up was IPOD IDOL! We had such a blast! The room looked so much fun and we had lots of girls sign up to sing!

Our senior girls did an incredible job hosting the competition...and they definitely entertained!!

A moment I will never forget. All of our girls standing and dancing together...Such fun!

The next morning we woke up and worked out with some ZUMBA! This was a different way to start out our day but definitely woke us up and made for some good laughs and even better pictures!

Our 4th and final session of the retreat was a sweet time focused on Missions

We went around the chapel and prayed for different areas of the world: Asia, Africa, Europe, and the United States

The girls had the opportunity to write down their prayers for the nations and place them on the area of the world that they had focused their cries to the Lord.

We ended our time with worship through song. This time was used to really reflect on our call as believers and daughters of the Most High to GO and make disciples. We looked at what it meant to surrender to ourselves and our desires and truly take up our cross and follow Jesus.

Lord- Thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to serve and live my life alongside these girls every day. Such joy and delight comes from knowing them and how You are at work in their lives. Please continue to allow each of us as your daughters to pursue you with all of ourselves. We love you. -Amen

We cannot wait until next year!!!