One of my favorite things to do is cook.
I simply love it.
This last week I found myself cooking in my favorite place-
My grandmama's kitchen.
My sweet Grandmama passed away two years ago this June.
Losing her was super difficult for me.
Before she got very ill we would cook together.
She would sit on a stool and I would stand next to her in the kitchen and learn to make all kinds of delicious concoctions and dishes.
When she got really sick she would sit in the chair in the living room and I would try to remember the recipes myself- and holler when I needed help. She was always very patient in recalling the recipes out loud to me- helping me along the way.
Even now- I still find myself with questions about recipes and, out of habit, look at her chair.
Some of my happiest memories were in that tiny kitchen with her.
It took me about a year to want to get back into her kitchen and cook.
So- this Tuesday I was there. Whipping up some strawberry fig preserves waiting for the rest of my family to arrive for supper.
Cutting and chopping- trying to do it just right.
My sweet Grandaddy walked by and without hesitation said
"Woo Girl- Just like your grandmama used to make it!"
With tears in my eyes "Thank you" came quietly out of this girls mouth.
What a compliment!
To think that, in her kitchen, I was replicating the skills that she had first taught me- nothing but a gift from the Lord.
Overwhelmed and filled with joy I continued to cook-
and a wave came over me.
This is exactly how I long for people to see Jesus in my life.
To see the way that I love.
The way that I give.
The way that I serve.
The way that I treat others...
And say "Woo girl- That is exactly how Jesus loved, gave, served and treated others"
Is this not my purpose?
To be made in God's very image and strive daily to look more like Christ.
I started to examine my own life.
Is Christ seen in and through me?
Do others look at my life and see Jesus?
My words here are few because I am still processing what this looks like in my heart.
I do know- though- for a fact that in the same way it takes practice, time and skill to cook like my Grandmama did- it takes the same amount of time, commitment and practice to live a life for Christ.
To look like Christ we must spend time with Him.
I must seek His face in His word.
I must spend time talking with Him in prayer.
I must spend time listening to Him and meditating on His word.
I must sit at His feet and be still.
I have spoiled a batch of creamed potatoes more times that I would like to admit.
In the same way- and bearing much more weight- I have lived too many days looking like this world and not like Christ.
I pray that I become more intentional in mirroring the life of Christ in my own.
Dying to myself and my ways and living a life that brings honor and glory to Christ- for His names sake alone.
What does your life say about your relationship with Christ?
Does your life mirror the life of Jesus?
I pray today that we examine ourselves and our hearts with raw eyes- and allow the Lord to work in us and shape us to look more like Jesus.
I am truly overwhelmed at the nearness of our Abba Father and the way that He loves and leads my life.
But for me it is good to be near God;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may tell of all your works.
Psalm 73:28
Many Blessings.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Pruning Process
I have, over the past several weeks, been in a rut in my ability to express in words or on paper what the Lord is teaching me.
For a time I examined my prayer.
What my motivations were and how I accepted the outcomes of my cries to the Lord.
I found that often my prayers were selfish and I craved to be pleased by the Lord but not pruned by the Lord in His answers and timing.
The following week I examined how deeply and intimately I spent time in scripture.
Were the passages I chose to dwell in ones that would challenge me and point me to the cross or were they chosen to soothe me and make me feel at peace.
Hear me say-No passage of scripture can be deemed as unhealthy or of no worth- however spending time in passages that reminded us to GO and GIVE and SUFFER for the sake of the cross are ones that are tough to read. Hard to swallow. Tempting to AVOID.
You see- I feel that the Lord is trying to trim off my unfruitful and “dead weight” branches so that the new branches may bear fruit.
Pruning- however- is a painful, tedious and loss-filled process.
Pieces of us are cut off. Intentionally removed. Taken away.
But why?
Would I prune a beautiful fruit tree for its harm or demise?
In no way.
Pruning a fruit tree is purposed so that growth can occur, fruit may be brought forth and life may return in full.
Stay with me...
The passed few weeks have been filled with traveling and events with our students.
We have gone to New Orleans with our XA students and just last week went to CentriFuge Camp with our Middle School students.
On the Sunday we returned from XA tour our pastor taught on Contentment.
I hate to admit it- but this was a Sunday that I was exhausted and felt very distracted during our time of worship.
I was trying to keep an eye on our students, love on my daddy since it was Father's day and keep a nap OFF my mind.
The bottom line is that I was not prepared for the message that the Lord was about to speak to my heart.
It took me off guard.
One of those times of teaching when I feel my ears turn red because this message is for MY heart. Convicting MY spirit. From MY God.
Philippians 4:10-13 says:
God's Provision
10 I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. 11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. 12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
Allow me to share with you our teaching points for this time:
1. Contentment is grounded in God's providence.
2. Contentment is learned over time.
3. Contentment is found in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Several of my notes that I bolded and wrote quickly and ferociously on the sides of my bulletin were:
*Rest in the God who knows the future and ordained it
*Contentment: Knowing that I have all that I need right now
*"Secret" of contentment is to learn to completely rely on Jesus Christ
Like a pin prick to a full balloon my spirit burst.
The anxiety and discomfort that I have been feeling in my spirit came to the front of my heart.
Bluntly and boldly the gospel had pierced my very soul.
Rest in the God who KNOWS the future and ORDAINED it.
Shouldn't I trust this God to prune where needed?
Shouldn't I pray boldly and seek Him in His word relentlessly without fear?
You see- this message of contentment was not currently teaching me a lesson about being satisfied with my tiny apartment or my "last season" clothes---
This message of contentment was to TRUST THE LORD WITH MY FUTURE and HIS TIMING.
To day by day submit myself to the Lord and trust Him.
To trust the Lord in plenty.
To trust the Lord in hunger.
To trust the Lord on the mountaintop.
To trust the Lord in the valley.
To pray boldly without holding back to be smack dab in the will of a Mighty God who has ordered my every step and knows my heart front to back.
The pruning is scary because in the midst of the process we are losing little branches and limbs that are full of US.
But isn't it better to take great joy in the pruning because in the place of the lifeless buds will be put fruit?
I say yes.
I pray today that the Lord will fill me with the boldness to pray without fear and seek His word without hesitation. That I will not be anxious about what He may ask me to do but with great joy tell my Heavenly Father that "I have learned in every situation to be content" and that "I can do all things" through Him who equips me to fill the call that He has placed on my life.
I challenge you to take a look at the motivations of your prayer and the intentions of your time in God's word. We may find that we are limiting ourselves in knowing the Lord fully.
I challenge you to take heart and find joy in the pruning process.
Our Abba Father knows better and best- He takes away to GIVE.
He rips tears to heal.
He is good. All the time He is good.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73: 25-26
Here is the link to Buddy's sermon on Contentment as a part of the "Joy" series.
I challenge you to watch it!
Many Blessings.
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