Sunday, October 3, 2010

Topsy Turvy Trust

I worry.

I have wrestled more in my life with worry than I think I have anything else.
I worry about getting my school work done.
I worry that middle schoolers think I am cool.
I worry about friends in difficult situation.
I worry about those who do not yet know the Lord.

When you lay down at you?

I have told my close friends of so many nights where I lay down in bed exhausted-
and the minute my head reaches the pillow the worry flows right out of my ears and fill my dark room.

The Lord has been so good to remind me of His promises of protection, provision, and guidance.
I believe in God. I believe that He is sovereign over ALL things.
I believe that He is in control.

Yet-so many times I let the "what ifs" and "if onlys" take over!

I find myself in a season of life that seems to be filled with questions.
The real world is on the horizon and the number of concrete answers about my future can be counted on one hand when It comes to the nuts and bolts of things.

Many close to my heart know that I have truly simplified my prayers to just this-
"Father- Let me want what you want for me. Let me do your will. Period."

This prayer is such a scary one sometimes.
To lay down my desires and wants, my plans- and Trust in God's timing and plans.

I am a part of a group of women that meet each Wednesday at lunch and do a Beth Moore bible study-
Currently we are in the middle of "The Inheritance".

This week in the middle of the study Beth Moore pointed out a scripture that has since rocked my world-
It is found in Isaiah- Chapter 33

verse 6 reads-

"and he will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; for the fear of the Lord is Zion's treasure"

The MacArthur commentary says that "Zion's treasure" means that the best gift a person can receive from God is pure faith that is formed in response to the revelation of God's grace.

He will be the stability of MY TIMES. Not just the good, bad, uncertain, or scary. All times. My stability.
What a gift!

I pray that I live each day taking advantage of the stability, wisdom, and knowledge I am promised through Christ Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this ames... love you and so thankful for you! you are a blessing...
