One of my dearest forever-friends has been blessed with an incredible opportunity and I am beyond proud.
To describe this man as a dear friend does not begin to scratch the surface of what he has meant to my heart in the years that I have known him. He is a brother. ( and a wonderful one at that.)
We do not talk everyday and I never know what state he is in- but I know that if/when I need him that he will be at my side in a flash with a sarcastic joke and word of wisdom.
This brother is Ryan Kinder.
Ryan has had dreams of writing and playing music for as long as I have known him. If my math is correct- He has been in my life for about 11 years- all the while passing new song lyrics in drivers ed for me to read and emailing me ideas for new songs he would like to tackle.
We have seen him play at battle of the bands, beauty walks, college parties, beach hang outs, comedy clubs, work play, high school lunch rooms...and that is just to name a few :)
Ryan's passion and drive for writing music that is solid and raw is an incredible blessing.
He is a gifted former of thoughts and does so beautifully in the songs that he is written and music he has made.
To know his heart is to read the lyrics of his tunes.
The road to get Ryan from where he started to where he is now has been a long one-
many a day where the "future" and the "dreams" seemed impossible- out of reach- and so far away that frustration was the only option.
This kid pressed on. Didn't quit and has given all those who doubted that he could do this a little punch in the gut.
A few weeks ago I got a phone call from Ryan with some sweet news that we have been waiting for/praying for/hoping for. I sat in my car with tears in my eyes thinking about the journey behind him and the life ahead of him.
Ryan signed to a record label and the opportunities/experiences that he has ahead are sure to be challenging and incredible. They will change his life.
I am so anxious and thrilled to see the ways that the Lord continues to allow Ryan to use his gifts.
Seeing Ryan go through this journey has been an incredible learning experience for me as well- a challenge.
How many of my dreams/goals have I put on the backburner or given up on completely because I thought that they were too far out of reach of that I was "dreaming to big"?
As long as I have known Ryan- he has not stopped fighting for and pursuing his dream.
I am so proud and overjoyed in his diligence and his spirit.
Thinking back on Ryan's journey has been a sweet reminder that if the Lord calls us to a task- whether it is to be a rock star or a school teacher- that He will equip us to complete the task and make us look more like Jesus along the journey.
I am thankful for Ryan Kinder and love him to the core. Excited to continue to watch his journey.
Now time for you to look at corny pictures of Ryan/Ryan & I over these past 11 years...
Enjoy and Be Blessed this day!