Monday, April 18, 2011

He's always been faithful to me.

To try and summarize the past few months in life and truly describe the sweetness of moments, difficulty of decisions, and nearness of God would be almost impossible.

Life has been full and never ceasing. The year started off with an excitement of sweet William Byrd asking me to be his bride. A few weeks later I was able to spend a weekend at the feet of Jesus worshipping with 600+ students, college leaders, and adults at Disciple Now at Hunter Street. Just five days later I jumped on a plane and experienced the most incredible two weeks in Paris and London.

The days following have been filled with work, bridal showers, wedding planning, weekend conferences, missions, etc.

More than I would like for you to know the ins and outs of the life of Amy-
I would like for you to know how sweet my King Jesus is.

The Lord has been moving in so many ways around me, in me, in people I love. I am overwhelmed.

This season of life has been filled with moments of absolute joy and excitement to move into a new chapter of life- and been filled with some heart break and devastation as doors have been closed and doubt has overwhelmed my heart.

All of these questions are being thrown my way-
Where will you live?
What kind of cheese do you want at the wedding?
What color table cloth would you like to register for?
What ministry do I want to become more involved in?
on and on and on...

I have been totally consumed at moments trying to figure out what will make ME most happy. fulfilled. content. at peace.

I have been listening to a John Piper sermon series and yesterday as I was driving the Lord spoke a word to me that stopped me dead in my tracks. As I was driving north on highway 280 I balled my eyes out as I had a sweet sweet message spoken straight to my heart from the mouth of the Almighty.

My life is not about being happy. fulfilled. content. at peace.

I am called to be FAITHFUL. to God. to my task. to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is all.

Where in the world did I get the idea that this life was about me? my plans?

I am here to make much of Jesus Christ through living out the gospel daily and by sharing the good news of a Redeemer and Savior to everyone whose path I cross.

All of the questions that have been consuming my heart and mind all of the sudden felt so puny and full of air.

I am a Redeemed daughter of the Most High God molded and fashioned by the Creator of heaven and earth. I have been healed, saved, forgiven, redeemed, renewed, strengthened, loved and protected by my God.

Why am I so worried about my own happiness or plans when at the end of this all that matters is that I made much of Christ?

To whoever is reading this...if there are any encouragement to you is this-

Remember that at the end of this life, that is surely a vapor, we will be met with either a real heaven or a real hell.

I pray that each morning we wake up and run to the mercy seat of Jesus- point ourselves toward heaven- commit to share the gospel with those who don't know Jesus- and remember that our plans and dreams are nothing compared to the life that God has gone before us and prepared.

Brothers and Sisters-I am pray that today we are nothing but faithful.

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