Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Simplest & The Sweetest

Today is a day full of sweetness-
sweet sounds, aromas, interactions, memories, and settings.

I got the joy of spending this morning with our One Voice high school ensemble singing at The Oaks. ( A nursing home community in our area)

What joy came from singing the hymns of the faith with many brothers and sisters who have lived much more life than I can even imagine.

"Great it Thy Faithfulness! Great is Thy Faithfulness..."

Now- I find myself with a few hours to spare at the Byrd House.
Let me set the scene for you.

My go-to CHILL movie is on my tv- You've Got Mail

My daddy's just-made birthday cake is in the oven- Chocolate Chip Pound Cake

My favorite candle is lit- Woodwicks "Tradewinds"

Are you relaxed?

As I was just in my tiny kitchen whipping up a cloud of cocoa powder- hearing my favorite movie and seeing the glisten of my favorite candle- I just took in a deep breath and whispered

"Thank you, Jesus"

He is so good to me.

To give me a moment of pure sweetness. Hurts and worries aside. Simple joys abundant.

I cry a lot- and I am tearing up even now just acknowledging this truth.

His sweet presence is all around.

Many a day go by that I do not stop- examine- and stand in awe of the way that Jesus loves me.

This post is short but so obvious I feel so many of you may miss it as I do-

Take some time today and just savor the sweetness that is around us.
Whether it is in the sound of laugher with friends, the gift of 15 minutes without a task to complete, the peace that comes in reading an encouraging text or email, the joy that comes in the form of a smile.

Savor Jesus and His blessings bestowed on us day by day.

Acknowledging and praising the Lord for our gifts and joys will help heal and mend the hurts and build us to endure with great hope the valleys.

Be still and say "Thank you"

I guarantee you this will bless and fill even the weakest spirit today.

"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!"
Psalm 34:8

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